Bennett Carl - Suspect Lyrics

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Suspect Lyrics by Bennett Carl
Suspect Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Suspect By Bennett Carl?

Take me down...

Tonight, I´ll walk
Sit down and let me know my rights
Tell about, tell about someone else
I know it, I know it
This time is suspect there are
I talk and give me you the time

And spare time and talk with me
I don´t ready think you go so suddenly
I don´t know, I go to think about you

What words I have?
Take time, we've spoken sixty-five
So about, so about you
I know it, I know it
This time, I've suspect stolen dollar
I talk with you this high


Come and talk no tears
Come and talk no tears
Come and talk no tears
Come and talk no tears, tears

Tears I come as well
Were you thinking right?
Was there are?
Ask for me, ask for you
Unbelievable, what´re you do?

Tears I come as well
Were you thinking right?
Was there are?
Ask for me, ask for you
Unbelievable, what you know I making wrong?

And spare time and talk with me
I don´t ready think you go so suddenly


Who Wrote Suspect By Bennett Carl?

Daniel Powter

What's The Duration Of The Suspect By Bennett Carl?

The duration of Suspect is 3:00 minutes and seconds.

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