Bering Strait - Only This Love Lyrics

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Only This Love

Only This Love Lyrics by Bering Strait
Only This Love Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Only This Love By Bering Strait?

I have searched for/Longed for,hurt for/
Never wanted more/Than only this love,
only this love/
In your kiss,your touch/I find so much/
Here with the two of us/
And only this love,only this precious love/
Who knows what tomorrow brings/
The answer's somewhere above/
Still the night whispers silently/
We'll always be/In this love/
Who knows what tomorrow brings/
The answers somewhere above/
Still the night whispers/We'll always be/
In this love/
I have searched for/Longed for,hurt for/
Only this love

Who Wrote Only This Love By Bering Strait?

Brent Maher, Ilya Georgiyevich Toshinsky, Michael Barry Reid

What's The Duration Of The Only This Love By Bering Strait?

The duration of Only This Love is 3:33 minutes and seconds.

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