Bill Elgart - Like Someone in Love Lyrics

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Like Someone in Love

Like Someone in Love Lyrics by Bill Elgart
Like Someone in Love Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Like Someone in Love By Bill Elgart?

Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars,
Hearing guitars like someone in love.
Sometimes the things I do astound me,
Mostly whenever you're around me.
Lately I seem to walk as though I had wings,
Bump into things like someone in love.
Each time I look at you,
I'm limp as a glove,
And feeling like someone in love.

Who Wrote Like Someone in Love By Bill Elgart?

J. Burke, J. Van Heusen

What's The Duration Of The Like Someone in Love By Bill Elgart?

The duration of Like Someone in Love is 7:43 minutes and seconds.

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