Bill Monroe - Used to Be Lyrics

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Used to Be

Used to Be Lyrics by Bill Monroe
Used to Be Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Used to Be By Bill Monroe?

Well you don't love me anymore my darling
I'm just a used to be to you
Those cold cold kisses that you gave me little darling
Proved to me you found somebody new

Tomorrow's just another lonesome day
And I know you'll want me far away
Well you don't love me anymore my darling
I'm just a used to be to you

Gone are the good old days that we spent together
And I don't know if I can stand the pain
Of knowing that you'll soon be gone forever
And I'll never know your love again

Who Wrote Used to Be By Bill Monroe?

Bill Monroe

What's The Duration Of The Used to Be By Bill Monroe?

The duration of Used to Be is 2:03 minutes and seconds.

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