Billy Bragg - This Gulf Between Us [#][*] Lyrics

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This Gulf Between Us [#][*]

This Gulf Between Us [#][*] Lyrics by Billy Bragg
This Gulf Between Us [#][*] Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For This Gulf Between Us [#][*] By Billy Bragg?

Who will come to carry me home ?
Carry me over the river
Must I face this all on my own
Face the lies and the gulf between us
Face the lies and the gulf between us

Dawn breaks over the squares and the parks
But the sunlight cannot find me
No warmth filters down through the dark
That lies in the gulf between us
That lies in the gulf between us

Please don't hand me your sympathy
If only to ease your conscience
I fear you'd rather step over me
Than cross this gulf between us
Step across this gulf between us

Who Wrote This Gulf Between Us [#][*] By Billy Bragg?

Billy Bragg

What's The Duration Of The This Gulf Between Us [#][*] By Billy Bragg?

The duration of This Gulf Between Us [#][*] is 2:46 minutes and seconds.

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