Bitter:Sweet - Overdue Lyrics

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Overdue Lyrics by Bitter:Sweet
Overdue Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Overdue By Bitter:Sweet?

No, there's nothing more to do
I've got nothing left to say to you
Don't care for salty conditions
I'm over you

I can't explain it
I'm overdue for a certain type of affair
Not gonna take it
This tea for two isn't something we need to share
I'm sorry baby, it's just you drive me crazy
I'm sorry baby, so sorry baby

Oh please, stop messing up my day
Stop begging me to stay with you
Don't care much for inhibitions
I'm on the move

I can't explain it
I'm overdue for a certain type of affair
Not gonna take it
This tea for two isn't something we need to share
I'm sorry baby, it's just you drive me crazy
I'm sorry baby, so sorry baby

Who Wrote Overdue By Bitter:Sweet?

Kiran Shahani, Michael Railton, Shana Halligan

What's The Duration Of The Overdue By Bitter:Sweet?

The duration of Overdue is 3:34 minutes and seconds.

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