Black Moth Super Rainbow - Bad Fuckin Times Lyrics

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Bad Fuckin Times

Bad Fuckin Times Lyrics by Black Moth Super Rainbow
Bad Fuckin Times Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Bad Fuckin Times By Black Moth Super Rainbow?

Slower than her but feelin better than usual
And I can only tell you 'being tuned out is beautiful'

Had another day that I fell apart
But that was yesterday, that was yesterday
And I can only feel it when the sun goes down
But it's always down, it's always down

You're even better than depression

Woke up feelin slower than the season before
But that was yesterday, that was yesterday
And you keep me goin while the

Feels even better than depression

Who Wrote Bad Fuckin Times By Black Moth Super Rainbow?

Thomas James Fec

What's The Duration Of The Bad Fuckin Times By Black Moth Super Rainbow?

The duration of Bad Fuckin Times is 2:42 minutes and seconds.

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