Blenders - (I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl Lyrics

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(I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl

(I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl Lyrics by Blenders
(I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For (I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl By Blenders?

I am dejected, I am depressed
Yet resurrected and sailing the crest
Why this elation mixed with deflation
What explanation
I am in love

Such conflicting questions rise around my brain
Should I order cyanide or order champagne
Oh, what is this sudden jolt
I feel like a frightened colt
Just hit by a thunderbolt
I am in love

I knew the hours were against me before
I have no flare for flaming desire
But since the gods gave me you to adore
I may lose but I refuse to fight the fire

So, come and enlighten my days and never depart
You only can brighten the blaze that burns in my heart
But I am only in love with you
And so in need of a stampede of love
I'm so in need of a stampede of love
I'm so in need of a stampede of love
I'm so in need of love

Who Wrote (I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl By Blenders?

Cole Porter

What's The Duration Of The (I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl By Blenders?

The duration of (I Am in Love With the) McDonald's Girl is 3:52 minutes and seconds.

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