Blues Traveler - I Have My Moments Lyrics

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I Have My Moments

I Have My Moments Lyrics by Blues Traveler
I Have My Moments Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For I Have My Moments By Blues Traveler?

Picture a spinning toy laden with adventure
Coupled with the things I've told
And a dream can be as one
I have my moments now and again
I said I have my moments now and again

Started in a dream
Wound him up on a baseball team
Took it on the road
A be minus seventeen with a hefty load
Full of cargo and of spice
Yeah a pirate ship who craves advice
From the likes of Peter Pan
You know I hear he's wanted by the law again

I said I have my moments now and again
Wandering highways nothing is planned
Drifting dancing and I was over sand
Blowing around in my face, here I am
Waiting in wonder, wonder why

Picture a spinning toy laden with adventure
Coupled with the things I've told
And a dream can be as one
I have my moments now and again
I said I have my moments now and again

Now the tiger's got his eye
What shall we do oh me oh my
Better hide your daughters
Yeah, we're in shark infested waters
But the children can't be harmed
Yeah, they are on to
You and heavily armed
With a leaf and a kazoo
How can they be of use to you?

And we wonder together, at least
There's something running around
In this big wild wideness
Gonna look around, gonna get
Lost, gonna rent a car
Gonna make the most anyway

Take me take me for a ride
On the biggest largest
Vehicle you can ever
Possibly imagine
Get the keys let's go drive

Take me for a ride
In the biggest vehicle you
Can ever possibly imagine
Get the keys, I want to take a spin
Let me in, let me in
Picture that, picture it all
Winter, spring, summer and fall

Picture a spinning toy laden with adventure
Coupled with the things I've told
And a dream can be as one
I have my moments now and again
I said I have my moments now and again

Gonna ride off in the sunrise
Gotta win our Nobel Prize
Gee, I wonder what we'll say
Do our homework on the way
Gonna meet the King of France
Tell him, Je n'ai pas de pantelons
Give his cigar a light
Then slip away unnoticed into the night

Wandering endlessly wherever I go
Never to be, never to be alone
The ride isn't free
At not much of a cost
Memories so innocent
Should never be lost

Picture a spinning toy laden with adventure
Coupled with the things I've told
And a dream can be as one
I have my moments now and again
I said I have my moments now and again
I said I have my moments now and again

Who Wrote I Have My Moments By Blues Traveler?

Chan Kinchla, John C. Popper

What's The Duration Of The I Have My Moments By Blues Traveler?

The duration of I Have My Moments is 4:12 minutes and seconds.

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