Brownie McGhee - Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses Lyrics

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Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses

Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses Lyrics by Brownie McGhee
Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses By Brownie McGhee?

I don't want, no cornbread, peas, black molasses
I don't want, no cornbread, peas, black molasses
At suppertime, Lord, Lord, Lord, at suppertime

I got a letter, a letter from my mother this morning
I got a letter, a letter from my mother this morning
She said, "Come home", Lord, Lord, Lord, "Son, come home"

I ain't got no, got no ready-made money
I ain't got no, got no ready-made money
I can't go home

If I could make June, July and August
If I could make June, July and August
Then I'd go home, Lord, Lord, Lord, then I'd go home

'Cause I don't want no cornbread, peas, black molasses
'Cause I don't want no cornbread, peas, black molasses
At suppertime, Lord, Lord, Lord, at suppertime

Who Wrote Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses By Brownie McGhee?

Brownie Mcghee, Sonny Terry

What's The Duration Of The Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses By Brownie McGhee?

The duration of Corn Bread, Peas and Black Molasses is 2:32 minutes and seconds.

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