Bryce Dessner - Mars Lyrics

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Mars Lyrics by Bryce Dessner
Mars Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Mars By Bryce Dessner?

In the future, there will be no war
The loneliness outside
And the stones cry out for mercy
Will they see the Lord
The prophecy grows sight
As it is written
I am the god of war
I reside in every creature
Dispose of the future
Or put away your sword

In the future, there will only be war
The vanity outside
And after all the devastation
Will we see the Lord
As it is written
I am the producer
I am the god of war
I reside in every creature
Dispose of the future
Or put away your sword

Love, peace, forgiveness
And consequence, and trust, and patience
Affection, determining how
Love I hold you in as compensate, contemplate, rhapsody, and energy and hope
The things to look for

Love and peace, forgiveness
And consequence, and trust, and patience
Affection, determining how
Love I hold you in as compensate, contemplate, rhapsody, and energy and hope
The things to look for

Love I hold you in as fantasy, blasphemy, fallacy, and probably as fate
The things we do for love

Who Wrote Mars By Bryce Dessner?

Sufjan Stevens, Nico Muhly, Brice David Messner, James Van Mcallister

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