Grace Jones - Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] Lyrics

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Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix]

Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] Lyrics by Grace Jones
Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] By Grace Jones?

Driving down those city streets
Waiting to get down
Won't you get your big machine
Somewhere in this town?

Now in the parking lot garage
You'll find the proper place
Just follow all the written rules
You'll fit into the space

Pull up to my bumper baby
In your long black limousine
Pull up to my bumper baby
And drive it in between

Pull up
To it
Don't drive
Through it

Back it
Up twice
Now that
Fit's nice

Operate around the clock
Why don't you come in?
I've got lot's of space for everyone
Why don't you my friend?

Lines are short
I'll pick you up so won't you please come on
Shiny sleek machine believe
It I've got to blow your horn

Pull up to my bumper baby
In your long black limousine
Just pull up to my bumper baby
And drive it in between

Pull up
To it
Don't drive
Through it

Back it
Up twice
Now that
Fit's nice

Race it
Straighten it
Let me
(Pull up to my bumper baby)
Pull up to my bumper
(Pull up)
Pull up to my bumper
(Pull up to my bumper baby)
(Pull up)
Pull up to my bumper
(Pull up to my bumper baby)
Pull up to my bumper baby
(Pull up)
Pull up to my bumper
(Pull up to my bumper baby)
Pull up to my bumper
(Pull up)
Pull up to my
(Pull up to my bumper baby)

Who Wrote Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] By Grace Jones?

Dana Manno, Sly Dunbar, Robbie Shakespeare, Grace Jones

What's The Duration Of The Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] By Grace Jones?

The duration of Pull Up to the Bumper [1985 Remix] is 6:25 minutes and seconds.

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