Jean Sablon - Afraid to Dream Lyrics

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Afraid to Dream

Afraid to Dream Lyrics by Jean Sablon
Afraid to Dream Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Afraid to Dream By Jean Sablon?

Here we are, two silhouettes in the blue
Here we are, bidding the stardust adieu
Soon you'll be lost in the glory of dreams
Yet, my lovely one, strange as it seems

I'm afraid to dream
Afraid that you may not be there
Afraid to dream without you it would seem so bare
With open arms I call to you, I want you, dear
Just as I reach for you why do you disappear?
Afraid to dream
I'll see you there with someone new
Afraid to find another one caressing you
Although you promised me that this could never be
It's the thought of losing you that makes me so
Afraid to dream

I'm afraid to dream
Afraid that you may not be there
Afraid to dream without you it would seem so bare
With open arms I call to you, I want you, dear
Just as I reach for you why do you disappear?
Afraid to dream
I'll see you there with someone new
Afraid to find another one caressing you
Although you promised me that this could never be
It's the thought of losing you that makes me so

Who Wrote Afraid to Dream By Jean Sablon?

Cole Porter

What's The Duration Of The Afraid to Dream By Jean Sablon?

The duration of Afraid to Dream is 3:28 minutes and seconds.

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