Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve Lyrics

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Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve

Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve Lyrics by Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve By Lloyd Cole and the Commotions?

Looking like a born again
Living like a heretic
Listening to arthur lee records
Making all your friends feel so guilty
About their cynicism
And the rest of their generation
Not even the government are gonna stop you now
But are you ready to be heartbroken?
Are you ready to be heartbroken?

Pumped up full of vitamins
On account of all the seriousness
You say you're so happy now
You can hardly stand
Lean over on the bookcase
If you really want to get straight
Read norman mailer
Or get a new tailor
Are you ready to be heartbroken?
Are you ready to be heartbroken?
Are you ready to bleed?

What would it take
What would it take to wipe that smile off of your face?
Are you ready to be, are you ready to bleed?

Are you ready to be heartbroken?
Are you ready to bleed? (heartbroken)
Well you better get ready now baby
Are you ready to bleed? , ready to bleed?

Who Wrote Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve By Lloyd Cole and the Commotions?

Lloyd Cole, Neil Robert Clark

What's The Duration Of The Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve By Lloyd Cole and the Commotions?

The duration of Are You Ready to Be Heartbroken? [Unreleased Single A-Side] [#][Demo Ve is 2:10 minutes and seconds.

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