Nathaniel Street-West - Daddy's Fine Lyrics

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Daddy's Fine

Daddy's Fine Lyrics by Nathaniel Street-West
Daddy's Fine Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Daddy's Fine By Nathaniel Street-West?

My brother is dead
Body full of lead
Everybody's sad here tonight, honey
My nights are full of dread

Are the kids in school?
Tell them Daddy's fine
Don't want to sell them lines
Do they remember my face?

Has anyone seen that Burning Bush?
He thinks his flames are guided
By the lord above
But I think not!
Besides we have more to fear
Than this war my love

Are the kids back in school?
Tell them their Daddy's fine
Don't want to sell you lines
Do they remember my face?
Don't let them forget my face!

Who Wrote Daddy's Fine By Nathaniel Street-West?

Nathan Street-west

What's The Duration Of The Daddy's Fine By Nathaniel Street-West?

The duration of Daddy's Fine is 3:32 minutes and seconds.

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