Siouxsie and the Banshees - Love In a Void Lyrics

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Love In a Void

Love In a Void Lyrics by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Love In a Void Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Love In a Void By Siouxsie and the Banshees?

This is the happy house-we're happy here in the happy house oh it's such fun
We've come to play in the happy house
And waste a day in the happy house-it never rains

We've come to scream in the happy house We're in a dream in the happy house
We're all quite sane

This is the happy house-we're happy here There's room for you if you say "I do"
But don't say no or you'll have to go
We've done no wrong with our blinkers on It's safe and calm if you sing along

This is the happy house-we're happy here in the happy house.
To forget ourselves-and pretend all's well There is no hell.

Who Wrote Love In a Void By Siouxsie and the Banshees?

Siouxsie Sioux, Steven Severin

What's The Duration Of The Love In a Void By Siouxsie and the Banshees?

The duration of Love In a Void is 2:32 minutes and seconds.

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