Spencer Davis - Dimples Lyrics

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Dimples Lyrics by Spencer Davis
Dimples Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Dimples By Spencer Davis?

Walk that walk
Yeah, talk that talk
Won't you walk that walk
You're my babe, I got my eyes on you

You got dimples in your jaw
You got dimples in your jaw
You got dimples in your jaw
You're my babe, I got my eyes on you

I love to see you switch
Saunter up and down the floor
Yeah, I love to see you switch
You're my babe, I got my eyes on you

You got dimples in your jaw
You got dimples in your jaw
You got dimples in your jaw
You're my babe, I got my eyes on you

Who Wrote Dimples By Spencer Davis?

James Bracken, John Lee Hooker

What's The Duration Of The Dimples By Spencer Davis?

The duration of Dimples is 2:22 minutes and seconds.

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