BBC Concert Orchestra - Upstream [Blu-Ray] Lyrics

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Upstream [Blu-Ray]

Upstream [Blu-Ray] Lyrics by BBC Concert Orchestra
Upstream [Blu-Ray] Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Upstream [Blu-Ray] By BBC Concert Orchestra?

Straight onto the beatin' path
Phase down into its aftermath
Kills me to find myself here at last

I blame it on my human side
I blame it on the other guy
I blame the stars on the boulevard

The perfect body, the perfect smile
The perfect lover impeccably in style
I use to be I'd, laugh it off
Now it's just this joke I got
A halo promises a sinner's dream
The punch line is I always swim upstream

I blame it on my human side
I blame it on the other guy
I use to be I'd laugh it off
Now it's just this joke I got
A halo promises a sinner's dream
The punch line is I always swim upstream

I use to be I'd laugh it off
Now it's just this joke I got
A halo promises a sinner's dream
The punch line is I always swim upstream

Who Wrote Upstream [Blu-Ray] By BBC Concert Orchestra?

David Piltch, K. D. Lang

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