Breaking Benjamin - Skin Lyrics

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Skin Lyrics by Breaking Benjamin
Skin Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Skin By Breaking Benjamin?

Well I know you don't know the reason
And it's cold, a sign of the season
'Cause you're old, and battered and beaten
And we'll grow, 'til we hit the ceiling, yeah

Well I'll be better, get away
Send a letter, bombs away

You're covered in my skin
I couldn't imagine anyone else
I'm off for the weekend
I couldn't imagine why you would save yourself

Well it's gone and it's not returning
And your clothes and pictures are burning
'Cause you're old, and battered and beaten
And we'll grow, til we hit the ceiling, yeah

Well I'll be better, get away
Send a letter, bombs away

You're covered in my skin
I couldn't imagine anyone else
I'm off for the weekend
I couldn't imagine why you would save yourself

Well I'll be better, get away
Send a letter, bombs away

You're covered in my skin
I couldn't imagine anyone else
I'm off for the weekend
I couldn't imagine anyone else

You're covered in my skin
I couldn't imagine anyone else
I'm off for the weekend
I couldn't imagine why you would save yourself

Who Wrote Skin By Breaking Benjamin?

Aaron Fincke, Benjamin Burnley, Jeremy Hummel, Mark James Klepaski

What's The Duration Of The Skin By Breaking Benjamin?

The duration of Skin is 3:21 minutes and seconds.

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