Brian Eno - Wishful Beginnings Lyrics

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Wishful Beginnings

Wishful Beginnings Lyrics by Brian Eno
Wishful Beginnings Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Wishful Beginnings By Brian Eno?

Cruising around me
The flames burn my body
Wishful beginnings
Does this remind them again and again
You're a sorry little girl
You're a sorry little girl
Please hide,
For the pain must feel
Like snow
You're a sorry little girl
Sorry little girl

Please hide from the kiss and the bite
Shame burns
Breathing in, breathing out
Breathing in only doubt
The pain must feel like snow
I'm no longer your golden boy
Sorry little girl
I'm sorry little girl

The pain must feel like snow
There you go
Cover me, cover me
We flew on the wings
We were deep in the dead air
And this one will never go down

We had such
Wishful beginnings
But we lived
Unbearable lives
I'm sorry little girl
Sorry little girl
So so sorry little girl

The pain must feel like snow
There you go
There you go

Who Wrote Wishful Beginnings By Brian Eno?

Brian Peter George Eno, David Bowie, Brian Eno

What's The Duration Of The Wishful Beginnings By Brian Eno?

The duration of Wishful Beginnings is 5:08 minutes and seconds.

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