Buck Owens - Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] Lyrics

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Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take]

Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] Lyrics by Buck Owens
Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] Lyrics

What Are The Lyrics For Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] By Buck Owens?

I wish I was a rich man a livin' on Cadillac lane
And I'd tour the world in a great big shiny plane
I'd go to all the famous places like Italy Rome and Spain
If I was a rich man a livin' on Cadillac lane
I wish I was a rich man a livin' on Cadillac lane
I'd had my own private car on some big railroad train
I'd never have to work again for the doggone thing
If I was a rich man a livin' on Cadillac lane
Well there's a lotta rich people livin' on Cadillac lane
Eatin' caviar and a drinkin' pink champagne
But I've got your love and to me that's everything
And I'm not so sure about the people on Cadillac lane
I wish I was a rich man
But who needs to be a rich man a livin' on Cadillac lane

Who Wrote Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] By Buck Owens?

Owens, Simpson

What's The Duration Of The Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] By Buck Owens?

The duration of Cadillac Lane [Take 7] [Alternate Take] is 0:10 minutes and seconds.

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